Just discovered Ann Arbor based store AVTOMOBILE on Etsy today. . . well i actually saw their whale shirt on someone's Instagram feed and my subsequent search led me to their online store. I LOVE the look of these tees, they seem like they'd be super soft and warn in feeling right off the bat!! And at only $28-31.00 they won't break the bank!
Band of Outsiders has chosen the ever-handsome Josh Brolin for their latest campaign. Josh Brolin just OOZES cowboy doesn't he? *No Country for Old Menmighthave something to do with that. I'm loving the Polaroid look they've been using, as well as their model choices: Michelle Williams, Ed Ruscha, Marisa Tomei, Elena Anaya, Andrew Garfield.
When my parents first bought a video camera back in 1995, my sister Alden and I immediately took to creating stop-start animation clips (we also had an affinity for making fake TV commercials). We'd film a banana eating itself, M&Ms coming alive and organizing themselves by color while dancing around, a messy bed magically being made. Alas, our creativity pretty much maxed out there. . .
Sean Pecknold, on the other hand, has made a name for himself in the art world as both an animator and visual artist. Pecknold has done the animation for some of my favorite bands' music videos: Grizzly Bear, Beach House, and Fleet Foxes. His ability to create a visual style for the songs he's working on is really something quite spectacular. When asked by Hook and Line Magazine why he enjoys creativity, Pecknold answers, "Because I was never really good at anything practical." I feel the same way Sean. . .