Super happy about my latest little home renovation/beautification project. . . In just one weekend I was able to take our mudroom from dumpy to clean and bright.
BEFORE ---------------->>------------>>> AFTER
The first step was to pull all of the aluminum siding off the walls, exposing the clapboards below. The outside of our house was covered with this same siding long before we bought it but we haven't decided if removing the aluminum siding is worth it or not. . . there is surely pealing lead paint below, not to mention we have no clue what condition the wooden clapboards are in. It would make such an aesthetic difference though . . .
THREE coats of white later:
I was going to paint the cement floor a grey color but I changed my mind at the last minute and used some of the remaining green stain from my fence project. . . I really liked the dark wash it gave the floor.
I brought in some of our plants (the little guy below has seen better days) and threw down a $3 rug I got from my local salvage shop.
Seriously so happy with the results - It just feels like such a happier space. Now I just need a door knob for our porch door!

this is awesome! nice yet simple solutions(well-seemingly, if you're not the one doing all that hard labor, heh). I love the raw floor and that $3!! rug.
Great job! I recently spent about two hours looking on this blog - http://littlegreennotebook.blogspot.com/ - and her DIY's are incredible and seemingly infinite...xxx
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