
Dam Style

I know i've posted the photo below before. . . but i was going through the DamStyle archives and i came across it again.  It's just so full of energy and their style goes together perfectly .
It was a combination of this woman's stare and her shorts that inspired me to post the image below. . . 
You might think that a fully sequined vest and pants would be overkill. . . but when the person rocking them looks like this. . . it just works.  Her tattoos and haircut are the perfect accessories.  I would ditch the stark white shoes though
All the individual elements of the woman's look below are a little too "in style" right now. . . The hair, the "boyfriend jeans,"  leopard print, peep toe boots, Balenciaga bag, black moto jacket. . . But she put them all together so well that it actually works.  And the tall cuff on the jeans is a nice alternative to the messy ankle roll we've been seeing so much of.  



Blogger Fashion Serial Killer said...

the top pic -they are SO cute together. Last pic- her jeans are great!

June 4, 2009 at 12:31 PM  
Blogger b. said...

love the last look, but i don't know. something's not right. she looks great, don't get me wrong. i think she still looks a bit dressy for me. it could be the combo of the heels, bag, and her earrings. i think this would look way cooler with some chucks or killer sandals.
her face/hair is cute.

June 4, 2009 at 1:40 PM  
Blogger robyn said...

i actually love the last look. it's not a perfect outfit, but that's precicely what draws me to it. it just looks natural on her..

June 4, 2009 at 2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love this post!


June 4, 2009 at 3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the last girl is awesome.. in the red shirt with jeans and amazing black shoes...

June 4, 2009 at 4:28 PM  
Blogger Foxy said...

God I want that Balenciaga bag on last pic so bad!


June 4, 2009 at 6:03 PM  
Blogger Miranda* said...

love the oranged haired man's style! b

and i agree with you about hte last lady's look, i think if it was a little mussed up, maybe the hair was a little messier it would look more natural, but overall great combo

June 4, 2009 at 8:13 PM  
Blogger gi. said...

the sequin girl is channeling a sort of lily allen-ish look. i couldn't pull it off, but she's totally rockin it!


June 5, 2009 at 2:31 AM  
Blogger Britta said...

Molly molly... the 'dam is just the best place on earth. And the cute little old Dutch houses make an excellent backdrop for any photo... I like :)

June 6, 2009 at 6:38 PM  

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