Sorry i haven't been able to do much in the way of posting the past couple days. . . i'm using a friend's computer right now and am having a hard time (it's not a mac, therefore i don't know what i'm doing) posting pictures. . . I promise to get my computer to a wireless access cafe sooon . . .
I'm about to head down to SoHo and check out an A.Wang Sample Sale!! Let's hope there is something under $100 for sale!
Have fun at the sale - its much better than last seasons - and come by Oak today!
where is it?! where is the sample sale?! eee!
good lluck at a wang! gotta beat off those other girls ;)
this is the sort of thing that makes my eyes instantly start watering in sadness. Unfortunatly due to the fact that I am locationally challenged I will not be able to attend that sale
i wish i lived in New york for that sale
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