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It's amazing the elevation your hair will hold when it doesn't get washed.
VOILA! A natural texturizer.
Jean Shirt: American Eagle (Best shirt everrrr. . . i've been searching thrift stores high and low for the perfect jean shirt all summer. . .and then Bleach/Black did a post on this shirt so i went to check it out. . . best purchase. SOOO fanastic.)
Button-up shirtdress: American Apparel.

the shape of your head is perfect for short hair. by the by...
You is cute! & i look what you doin! x
what. i mean. haha!
You hair is so rad!! super cool picture too :)
ah mols. so pretty pretty.
Best blogger hair? I think so.x
god you are so fine.
never cut that long bit infront of your ear!! Well, cut it if you want to. i just think it's my favourite bit, looks great!
lol that sentence reminded me of robert pattinson
wow amazing cut!
I was wondering where your comfy button-up shirt from?
yeah right i WISH my hair would do that. i would trade in an instant. if i didn't wash my hair everyday i'd look like a wet rat.
gosh, you really do have great hair. it's still looking AMAZING! have you refrained from the scissors?
Love your hair pics 1 and 2 :)
you always look mad
my hairdressers told me to only use shampoo 2/3 times a week, rest of the days only use water, if the skin of you're head is used to this it won't really get greasy. I do this as well, it's great for volume!
I have short hair too so I know exactly what you mean!
lovesssss it, you look GREAT! i can't not wash mine tho...its gotta be that asian thickness/weird scalp combo, ugh!
xx raez
the expression.the hair.rrrrad.
Isn't that shirt awesome! I mean for American Eagle you wouldn't expect it. I bought one earlier in the week. Just waiting for the temperature to not be in the 90's so I can wear it.
you are CUTE. you are my girl crush
agreed. and if all else fails, try Klorane Dry Shampoo. LOVE the stuff: it solves a potentially bad hair day, and is a natural texturizer.
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