Forest Bound's Buckled Leather Utility Pouch- $52
Antiqued Leather Briefcase- $350

Buckled Leather Utility Pouch- $52

Reid.Damnit: Finders Keepers Jessica fw10/11 - $155


Western Tooled Leather Saddle Bag Tote - $78

the second and the third are my favourites!
Molly, this post is geneous! You've scouted some of the most beautiful, original bags in the universe, thankyou so much for sharing with us, if I don't buy one I'll be inspired to head to the markets or attempt a DIY. x
I have a question. I was clicking on links to other blogs that you link to. I clicked on Badlooking and the first set of pictures that showed up were of the blogger hiking in Israel- and next to her hiking picture was a photo of her with a M16. ( I read the comments associated with the picture because I found it a little horrific that she, presumably a newly relocated American, thought it was bad-ass to move to the Middle East and photograph herself with an assault weapon- presumably with which to shoot some of those troublesome A-rabs/ragheads. I noticed you commented that the pictures were 'hot.' So, I'm just wondering- were you implying that killing Arabs/Muslims is 'hot'? I understand there are lots of emotions tied to the various positions people have regarding the Palestine- Israel issue... but attempting to glamorize a very real and very ugly situation in the Middle East, where real people are dying, starving and being deprived of basic human dignity... 'hot'? Really?
Dear anonymous. I normally don't respond to faceless and confrontational comments, but this seemed like one that I should. Clearly when I was commenting to Sara that she looked "hot", I was referring to her in a sports bra amongst the boulders. I was not in anyway stating a political stance or attempting to glamorize an awful and unnecessary conflict. That being said, looking at it now, and given the context of where she is, the assault rifle photo is probably in poor taste (though we have no Idea what she was thinking about while holding that gun, I can say that I've met sara, and I very much doubt killing A-rabs/ragheads, as you so delicately put it, was anywhere in her mind ) So Anonymous, I have to ask why this post? It's clearly a hot topic for you. But do you make a stink when you see emaciated models posing in famine and drought stricken Africa? or see models in photo shoots in Tibet wearing clothing that will be mass produced in China? or blond hair blue eyed girls wearing Aboriginal-inspired garb in Australia, and on and on and on.
Anyway anonymous. there's a lot wrong with the world. Sara looking hot in Israel is not one of those things. and besides, the photo is way too Terry Richardson for me....
I actually wasn't being confrontational, and I wasn't aware that my name was required to comment, since there is an anonymous option when leaving comments. However, to see a photo, and given its context, find it offensive, then therefore comment on message the photo sends, or arguably sends- seems perfectly natural in my opinion. You're blog and Badlooking's blog is about messages through pictures (at least primarily) is it not? The fact that I didn't bring up cultural appropriation or cultural anhiliation or the fact that women are glamorized when they appear weak (emaciated) has nothing to do with the comment I made. You seem to be suggesting that unless I bring up every wrong in the world, I have no business commenting on a particular wrong- which, of course, would lead to inaction on every issue.
But, just to clarify, I was more curious than anything else. Below this posting, you have pictures from National Geographic in the 60- 70's, and to be quite honest, I actually visit your blog because you don't seeem to be attempting to replicate the some of the uglier sides of the fashion industry, although you also don't seem to be overly reactionary against some of the well established issues. Basically, you seem to be doing you're own thing to the extent that someone can be doing their own thing these days and your blog has a large variety images- suggesting a range of beauty, instead of a single standard. And that it precisely why I commented on your blog, not on Badlooking's. While I could have commented how ugly I thought the message was in the picture on her blog, I felt no need to do so, because it didn't particularly surprise me. However, although I don't know you at all, I was a little surprised that you commented that the picture (and thus the message) 'hot.'
Anyway, I don't know either of you, and admittedly, my reading of the message of the photograph could be way off. But, the message I took from the picture is the blatent message that it sends- and in my opinion, regardless of your political position, a very ugly message. But, since you seem so perturbed by my comment, I will be sure not to comment on your blog about the the messages sent by visual images anymore. My apologies.
I would like to add that i always welcome comments of all forms. . . and it is fine for people to remain anonymous if they so choose. Having an open dialogue is something I love about blogging. I was just quite surprised that you would go so far as to ask if i was "implying that killing Arabs/Muslims is 'hot'." If you are a follower of my blog I would hope that you realize how insanely absurd that question is. I understand your disgust with the photo, but I think your interpretation of my comment was way off. xx molly
I think responding to comments you've removed is a little weird. But its your blog.
I demand that Don't Forget The Y refrain from saying "Um."
The only comment i removed was my own (I accidentally posted my first response twice). The second response from Anonymous only showed up in my email (saying i had a new comment) but never on the actual comment board. I thought you might have deleted it yourself after you posted it. I will now copy and paste it from my email.
From Anonymous:
"I actually wasn't being confrontational, and I wasn't aware that my name was required to comment, since there is an anonymous option when leaving comments. However, to see a photo, and given its context, find it offensive, then therefore comment on message the photo sends, or arguably sends- seems perfectly natural in my opinion. You're blog and Badlooking's blog is about messages through pictures (at least primarily) is it not? The fact that I didn't bring up cultural appropriation or cultural anhiliation or the fact that women are glamorized when they appear weak (emaciated) has nothing to do with the comment I made. You seem to be suggesting that unless I bring up every wrong in the world, I have no business commenting on a particular wrong- which, of course, would lead to inaction on every issue.
But, just to clarify, I was more curious than anything else. Below this posting, you have pictures from National Geographic in the 60- 70's, and to be quite honest, I actually visit your blog because you don't seeem to be attempting to replicate the some of the uglier sides of the fashion industry, although you also don't seem to be overly reactionary against some of the well established issues. Basically, you seem to be doing you're own thing to the extent that someone can be doing their own thing these days and your blog has a large variety images- suggesting a range of beauty, instead of a single standard. And that it precisely why I commented on your blog, not on Badlooking's. While I could have commented how ugly I thought the message was in the picture on her blog, I felt no need to do so, because it didn't particularly surprise me. However, although I don't know you at all, I was a little surprised that you commented that the picture (and thus the message) 'hot.'
Anyway, I don't know either of you, and admittedly, my reading of the message of the photograph could be way off. But, the message I took from the picture is the blatent message that it sends- and in my opinion, regardless of your political position, a very ugly message. But, since you seem so perturbed by my comment, I will be sure not to comment on your blog about the the messages sent by visual images anymore. My apologies. "
hm, well, I think slowing of anon's roll might be in order...
but on the upside that blanket print bag is real purrty.
Okay...ANYWAY. Back to bags. Those are some pretty cool ones, thanks for sharing
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