My sister Alden is coming home for a week tomorrow. Since moving to San Francisco over six years ago she's only able to get back to Vermont two or three times a year. Soo not OK. Alden is the coolest girl I know and my very best friend. She's the kind of sister that makes me feel sorry for everyone who doesn't have her as their own . . .
Her creative talents are endless and her spirit and sense of adventure are limitless. She was always the more intrepid one growing up (
still is). She would try any and all foods, request to take lessons when something piqued her interest (
street luge!), and always wanted to be the one who hooked the worm and pulled in the biggest fish. She is beautiful and gracious, stylish and unassuming, hilarious and delightful. I could spew a bunch more adjectives but they really wouldn't be able to do her justice. I can't wait to see you Alden!!! xoxoxoxoxoxox

sisters rule. they do. it's so very true. have the most fun.
how sweet! you can tell your sister is lucky to have you, too, by the way you speak about her :) sisters are the best!
yes yes! Sisters are awesome. Happy times! Ps. Those old photos... TOO cute for words.
Alden is the bee's knees. The picture of you with a goldfish is PRICELESS.
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