Current/Elliott. . . Freeeee and Rackkandruin are doing a Giveaway!!! is a fantastic online retailer of designer (both high and low) clothing . . . they carry designer dresses (for one) from Rojas, Alice + Olivia, McQ Alexander McQueen, Gryphon, Marc by Marc Jacobs and much more. . .
They have offered one lucky Rackk and Ruin reader a pair of current elliot jeans (The Skinny in Cloud Wash Destroyed. . . retailing at $254!)
Just leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite movie (i've switched from book) that i probably haven't seen but should. . . (think obscure) and your email address and i will pick a winner at random in two weeks. . . June 24th.
Be sure to follow on Twitter or add on Facebook Fan page. Amy, founder of loves to know what you think of new items and trends! Also, she posts giveaways and special discount information on these.
**Chickdowntown has generously offered to ship internationally if the winner lives outside the U.S.!!!

OMG THE JEANS IS AWESOME! But i bet you don't do international mail. I'm a Singaporean and love reading your blog! Wish that lovely pair of jeans could be mine ):
Hello fellow singaporean above- my sentiments exact. I wish everyone else luck in winning these snazzy pants!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ohhhh I want those so bad. Right now I like Magical Thinking by Augusten Burroughs.
I'm in Australia though, so if it can't be shipped internationally I guess I'm out :(
ooh these jeans are amazing!
my favorite book would have to be Girl with Curious Hair by David Foster Wallace!
i love those jeans!
my favorite book is East of Eden by John Steinbeck. It's one of those rare timeless stories that triggers every emotion in you.
my fav book... Running With Scissors - David Sedaris.
me me me! :)
No idea if this is open to Canadian residents but I'll go in anyway..
my fave book is She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb.
love love love this blog! thanks for doing a giveaway! my favourite book at the moment has got to be Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom. so sweet yet so sad. it really is touching!!
Maryland? haha
and I love The Clocks by Agatha Christie.
fav book: Trainspotting- irvine welsh
the book is written in awesome Scottish slang.
Oh I really want them... but I live in sweden, too bad. But I still think you should read a the books by Stieg Larsson. They are great :)
(my email adress is, if you do ship to sweden... but I donät think so ;)
Gotta love giveaways! My fave book at the moment has got to be God Bless You Mr.Rosewater by Kurt Vonnegut, Fantastic book, and it should be considering it's Vonnegut!
My email is Thanks!
My fave book right now is Marie Antoinette The Last Queen of France by Evelyne Lever. Love your blog! My e-mail is
current/elliot is amazinggg!! my favorite book has to be the lovely bones by alice sebold!
One of my top five is The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe True story of the author following Ken Kesey spreading the word in his techicolored bus and Kool-Aid.
It's too hard to choose, so I'll give you four of my favourite books: East of Eden (John Steinbeck), Down and Out in Paris and London (George Orwell), On the Road (Jack Kerouac), and One Thousand Years of Solitude (Gabriel Garcia Marquez). The lattest is a very nice summer reading. Hope you find something you like! xx
Oh, and my e-mail address is
it's hard to pick just one!
a few of mine are:
the giver by lois lowry
wind up bird chronicle by haruki murakami
and a few i just read that are amazing are:
reborn: journals and notebooks, 1947-1963: susan sontag
essays on the blurring of art and life by allan krapow
crime and punishment -dostoevsky
oh SNAP!
Take the Cannoli : Stories From the New World by Sarah Vowell
It's actually one of the few books I have read. I'm horrible when it comes to reading-it took me 8 months to read it HA HA... it was pretty good tho.
Current/Elliot hurts so good.
If you like science fiction...
The Left Hand of Darkness, by Ursula K Le Guin
kick ass jeans missy! i read your blog every morning to start my day :0 lol. good luck to everyone!
one book that is great is The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. It has everything you want in a book..EVERYTHING.
Im also looking for a good book.. i think im going read Push by Sapphire. Its being made into a movie but i want to read the book first. Dont know if its good but ive heard very wonderful things about it.
the torn skirt
by rebecca godfrey!
All Quiet on the Western Front
I love your blog - between this and Susie Bubble you two are my favorite. I don't usually post but these jeans are great! of my favorite books is Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. Beautifully surreal and dreamy.
Those jeans are hot!
My favorite book is Catch 22... fun and deep.
cassbwallace @ gmail . com
You must read The Boat by Nam Le--it's a collection of short stories and they vary from Colombian drug gangs to a washed out artist in New York City to Australian surfers.
Very good. He's going to be a huge writer.
Or Netherland, by Joseph O'Neil (who lives in the Chelsea Hotel, husband of Sally Singer)
a good read is "Black Hole" by Charles Burns. My boyfriend is really into comic books/graphic novels. I realized I had never given them a chance. Black Hole is really great, it is not cheesy or cartoon-y. I just finished it and it was amazing. it is about this STD which causes them to develop bizarre physical mutations, turning them into social outcasts among Seattle's youth in the mid 1970's
worth looking at at least
You must try Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury (a book much different in style than his other novels). Or Of Love and Shadows by Isabelle Allende (perhaps the most moving first line of any book I have ever read).
Love these jeans! My favorite book is The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. I love the voice it's written in and the insights it gives.
Stieg Larsson's millenium serie(3 books).they are a hugh succes in Europe and the first book(men who hate women) have been turned into a movie so you can watch the trailer and see if is for you, is a real pageturner.
The story is about Michael Blomkvist who is hired buy a millionaire and owner of a hugh company in Sweden to find out what happen to his young niece and who from his family killed her, many years ago.
The book is followed up by the second book called the girl who played with fire and Air castle which was blown up. He planned to publiced 10 books but died unfortunately of a heart attack in 2004.
@ dead years: i'm sure you mean One *Hundred* Years of Solitude...
my favorite book is The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera. it's wonderful.
Hi, I love the book A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon :)
A Great and Terrible Beauty (first book in a trio) by Libba Bray is one of my favorites! Quite a page-turned I thought!
Good luck to everyone in the giveaway! :)
A Confederacy of Dunces, John Kennedy Toole
My recent favourite book is "The Woman in the Fifth" by Douglas Kennedy, although my long-time favourite before that was "The Incredible Lightness of Being" by Milan Kundera. I think that is quite a popular choice, if not a bit cliched now.
My email address is
white oleander by Janet Fitch.. you must read it.. so much better than the movie they made based on it
been lusting over those jeans for a while!
Favorite book of all time: To Kill A Mockingbird. Classic, educational and real. Or any biography. I love reading about people's lives :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
favorite book: anything twilight!!! amazing series.
probably sounds cliched but my favourite book... Alice in Wonderland... perfect ehehe can't wait for the film.
The jeans are stunning.
i absolutely LOVE your blog, definitely ne of my favourites.
The ugly duckling by the danish author Hans Christian Andersen. Beautiful and classic, I love it!
+ theese jeans would fit more than perfectly in my wardrobe right now.
Thank you for a fantastic blog.
xx Caroline from Denmark
oh, I'm in! LOVE these jeans. My favorite book is "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" by Dave Eggers...if you haven't read it already, I would highly recommend it!
Need those!
my favorite book is 'Please Kill Me" by Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain
Awesome jeans! What a great giveaway!
Hi there, love your blog - so inspiring ;)
I´ve got A LOT of favourite books, but you should really try Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer if you haven´t read it.. it´s really well written, and quite funny :)
hope you ship to Denmark too?
Love, Mathilde
I'll add a vote of support to the folks that mentioned "East of Eden" and "Dandelion Wine." They are both excellent.
I'd also like to add "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas to the running, but make sure to get the unabridged version. So much happens that the condensed version makes no sense... and who wants the story to end that quickly, anyway? Ahh, revenge is sweet.
I love Current/Elliott!! My favorite book is a book of related short stories called "Jesus' Son" It's by Denis Johnson and it is absolutely amazing. I could read and read it, I'd never get tired of it. The movie, starring Billy Crudup, Samantha Morton, and Jack Black is surprisingly really good too.
My fave: Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers (its one of his older books...he's got great dry humor...a new one just came out in stores too!)
My all-time favorite book is Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk (of Fight Club fame!). My email:
Thanks! Love the site!
Yay for international shipping!
I've just started House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski, and its sort of blowing my tiny mind to pieces with its craziness.
Those jeans are darling! My favorite book is The Virgin Suicides, by Jeffrey Eugenides.
umm my name is jessica
my favorite book is the uglies by scott westerfeild
and my email is
This is so fun!
Misery by Stephen King
Well it's a toss up btwn 'This side of paradise' by F. Scott Fitzgerald and 'The twits' by Roald Dahl. I think The Twits juuust wins though. Definitely recommend anything by Scott Fitzgerald - the succinct yet creative way he describes people will BLOW YOUR BRAIN.
i lLOE these jeans ther are to die for...
my favourite book by far is "the book theif" i just finished it and LOVED it
im from AUS
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides !
Life of Pi by Yann Martel!
Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts!
The Good Earth by Pearl S Buck
thanks for doing the give away!
my friend leonard by james frey
i know oprah practically condemed him to death... but you cant ignore the fact that the guy can really write
one book has never touched me so much... it was probably the best birthday gift i have ever recieved
what falls away by mia farrow, the diving bell & the butterfly by jean dominique bauby, or the five people you meet in heaven :)
wow thats an awesome giveaway, the jeans looks super comfy!
my favorite book...
rapunzel by barbara rogasky and the lovely bones by alice sebold
oh and email is
hey ur blog is great..this giveaway is very cool i like they poured fire on us by the sky by benson deng...its about the lost boys, its def a tear jerker tho oh and my e-mail is: cyoussef13702(at)hotmail(dot)com...btw ppl should write their e-mails like this to prevent robots from getting their e-mails
The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, I promise you'll love it!!
My favorite book is And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie.
"I wanna be your Joey Ramone" by Stephanie Kuehnert. Raw, rock, and wild, like your fantastic blog. Enjoy !
"I predict a riot- murder, extortion and carrot cake" by Bateman :))
The Unbearable lightness of being. Best book I've ever read!
on the road by jack kerouac
Momo by Michael Ende.
a fine balance by rohinton mistry
best. book. ever.
Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk. then Choke and Haunted by the same author. amazingly sick & twisted but hysterical.
I know someones already mentioned this book, 'The Time Travellers Wife' by Audrey Niffenegger, but this is a book you simply have to read! It is heartbreakingly beautiful and completely unlike anything else I've read... haunting. Also Phillip Pullmans trilogy, 'His Dark Materials', the first ones called 'Northern lights' - oh so magical.
I've been reading your blog for a while now and I think it's Fabulous!! Your jewellery is beautiful too.
What a treat it would be to win such a gorgeous pair of jeans!
(From way down in New Zealand!)
Awwe, I love the jeans, but I'm not in the US! :(
books i recommend....
a recent book i've read call Naomi by Junichiro Tanizaki
and...Norwegian wood by Haruki Murakami
both by very well known Japanese writers.
I've just finished reading The Tenth Circle by Jodie Picoult.
It has an amazing plot and unexpecetd twists in the story, thumbs up for it.
I'm a singaporean and here's my email; :D
Love your items!
safron skies by lesley lokko
ticket to ride by dennis potter
Doomed love by virgil
11 kinds of lonliness by richard yates
Wow those are beautiful jeans.
I really enjoy reading the classic "Pride & Predjudice" by Jane Austen. It's timeless and beautifully written.
also the book behind the new movie Slumdog Millionaire called "Q&A" written by the author Vikas Swarup is amazing and interesting.
Awesome jeans, I'm pretty sure I need them in my life - wrap your peepers around Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins. A brilliant mix of complexity and page turner.
The House of the Spirits, by Isabel Allende, is captivating.
i think u would love 'rant' by chuck palahniuk
Confederacy of Dunces - novel written by John Kennedy Toole, published in 1980, 11 years after the author's suicide.
My fav book right now - Valley of the Dolls... sooo gooood!! It's written in the 60s and takes place in nyc.. its rad!
AND HOLY shit its finally available to Canadians! HELL yesss.... i'm doing a giveaway on my site too also for current/elliott.. you should enter it!
the autobiography of jerry hall: jerry hall's tall tales.
As glamourous as those jeans!
This comment has been removed by the author.
i guess my favourite book(s) are the chronicles of narnia. My mom read all of them to me and my brother and sister and narnia was the most beautiful land in my imagination.
Another great is book is 'How I live now by'Meg Rosoff. The setting is a bit strange but the end really hits you.
I really like the jeans,
Well I Love the jeans, but A really great book I just read was the Time Travelers Wife. As Luck may have it they are making it into a movie now.
Hmm...I can't name just one favorite book! Recently I've enjoyed, My Sister's Keeper, The Kite Runner, and the Last Lecture.
LOVE THESE JEANS!! So adorable...and look so comfy!
I have to say I love "Edie: American Girl"
it´s wonderful!
Current Elliot Jeans = my fav. Thanks for the giveaway!
Confederacy of Dunces had me shooting milk out of my nostrils
Last book I read that I really enjoyed was Angels & Demons. This was before the movie. I have yet to see it but I'm sure it doesn't do it justice, as most book-movies don't.
he's just not that into you...
probably the crying of lot 49 (by pynchon) or anything by tom, say, even cowgirls get the blues! hilarious, humanist, feminism (by a man).
i'm from canada.
My last book I read (and now favorite!) is called 'Shockwave: Countdown to Hiroshima' by Stephen Walker. Its a really awesome retelling of the first a-bomb, from invention to release, told by people on the inside. Its really amazing.
wow those jeans are crazy!
the new york trilogy by Paul Auster....amazing, disturbing, suspenseful, frustrating, fucked up, funny all wrapped into one book!
Forgot my email address!
melody [dot] santiago [at]Gmail
oopppps, "one hundred years of solitude"
currently: "women who love men who kill"
non-literary: disposable - history of skateboard art
My fav books are Little Women, Wuthering Heights, and The Catcher in the Rye. Oh and The Great Gatsby. Basically all the books I hated being forced to read in middle and high school haha!
fave book..Where The Wild Things Are!
yayy, & soon to be movie.
"Just leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite movie that i probably haven't seen but should. . . (think obscure) and your email address and i will pick a winner at random in two weeks. . . June 24th"
Did I miss something or did you ask for a movie and not a book? Can you say confused?
Anyways, I think that if you can get your hands on it you should see Black Roses - an 80's horror movie about a hair metal band that turns their concert goers into zombie-monsters. If not the 1984 remake of Return of the Living Dead with the punk rock cast is incredible and by far the best zombie movie ever made.
and those jeans are gorgeous!
I refuse to not look at rackkandruin at least once a day. It must be Love! Well my favorite movie that I think you should watch is Mahogany, the Diana Ross movie. Its beautiful, and she looks spectacular. In it you see love fashion and determination, its one to watch!
Not exactly obscure but just down right insane: Black cat, White cat.
I think the post says "movie"? So my favorite obscure movie that you should see is probably "Julia of the Herbs" a documentary in french about this old french lady who lives on an island in france and feeds her dogs eggs. Its just great!
I'm sorry, its "Juliette of the herbs" and my email address is
my favourite movie is the french film Irreversible. Film critics raved about it at Cannes Film Festival despite several people walking out of the cinema in discust and feeling sick! It's all filmed in reverse, you watch the ending first and finish with the beginning. Irreversible is extremely gruesome and you need a good stomach but if you look past the violence it is a sad, sad story of love and friendship. It always make me cry!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Fave book: Buy-ology: Martin Lindstrom
Fave Movie (right now): Knowing
This comment has been removed by the author.
My favorite book is pretty much whatever I'm reading at the moment, which is currently "The House of the Spirits" by Isabel Allende. Movie...whatever's on TCM!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
certainly not obscure, but my fave: me and you and everyone we know by miranda july.
thank you :)
movie(ies): Guy Maddin, Saddest Music in the World.
Fellini. Juliet of the Spirits. Steven Shainberg, Fur(Diane Arbus)
Philip Kaufman, Quills (Marquis de Sade)
Oh, and Tarsem Singh's The Fall
oh email,
Australian Film: Samson & Delilah
Made for about a million dollars using first-time actors in the middle of the Australian desert (we're talking kids that have lived in a town of 10 people their WHOLE life-no electricity, no phones) featuring next to no dialogue (main character says 1 word in the whole film) and it won Camera d'Or at Cannes this year.
Its aaaaamazing.
fav movie:
my favorie movie of all time is welcome to the dollhouse.
its one of the greatest movies ever made and heather matarazzo as dawn wiener deserved an oscar. im not even lying. the fashion in that film changed my life.
i lost my heart to the tales of the city series of novels by armistead maupin
Hey you!
I love your blog. I read it everyday sometimes a few times a day so I'm highly grateful that you post allot everyday... I never win competitions such as this but i thought I would give it a shot!
A movie you should watch is
"Black Cat, White Cat"
It's an Emir Kusturica film...
beautiful film, awesome director.
And have you ever watched "Holy Mountain"? you should. Just for the sake of Avant-garde culture.
Film-wise, I watched Son of Rambow last night, and it was amazing! Watch it!
Books... Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons, or The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter (maybe more your kinda thing)
Not all that unusual/avant-garde, but great all the same!
A really obscure, interesting, fun, different, genious, crazy, coloured, eccentric movie:
"Survive Style 5+"
Here's a link to the imdb page:
my email is elp(nospam)
please remove --> (nospam)
thank you ^__^
This comment has been removed by the author.
Difficult question you know.
It's a toss up between 'Il y a lontemps que je t'aime' and 'Waltz With Bashir'.
They're not overly obscure, but both are exceptional films.
the believer! so good, with a phoenix sister and it was ryan gosling's first real movie. amazing.
High Heels (Tacones Lejanos)...or really any of Pedro Almodovar's films.
His portrayal of women and relationships is so amazing.
I totally forgot to put my e-mail in my post:
I know you said "a" movie - but that's so tough! I'd say The Fountain because it's leads to great conversation - usually people have different perspectives of what actually happened in the movie.
A totally different movie, but quite adorable: The Seven Year Itch. It's the movie in which Marilyn Monroe's skirt flies up.
Pan's Labrynth is an adult fairytale that I really found entertaining as well.
Great question and giveaway! I LOVE those jeans.
i already posted but i second the charles burns. a-mazing. i think you would like it. i grew up in seattle and went to the places written about in the book.
Antichrist, by Lars von Trier.
Totally fucked up, but yet real beautiful in a way (especially visually).
The movie 'Chinatown' is an amazing old film with genius photography and a wild plot. If nothing else, it is worth seeing Jack Nicholson in his prime
The United States of Leland. Amazing film, Ryan Gosling and a cool soundtrack. Can't beat it!
Obscure movie...hmmm! I don't know if this is obscure, but it's definitely not a popular one:
La Vie en Rose, it's a french film (you can watch with english subtitles of course) about the life of Edith Piaf. So well done.
you should see Die Welle (the wave) !
really thought-provoking.
The Station Agent
"Daisies" directed by Vera Chytilova, a 1966 psychedelic Czech film with awesome clothes that got the director thrown in prison for radicalism.. cant get more obscure than that! :)
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
It has Maggie Smith in it. The clothing in the movie is awesome,and the acting is....
I won't give any of it away,you have to see it.
Have you seen "Christiane F"? I rented this eons ago. I don't know if I would say it's my favourite...but definitely some good inspiration for outfits, etc.
Here's a synopsis from Netflix:
Natja Brunckhorst stars as the titular character in this obscure 1980s drama based on the true experiences of 14-year-old Christiane Felscherinow, an impressionable German teen whose relative boredom led her to embrace a life of drugs and prostitution. An authentic period soundtrack includes songs by rock star David Bowie, who also performs live in the film. Uli Edel (Last Exit to Brooklyn, Body of Evidence) directs.
chroniclesofshred at gmail
I think you will enjoyed the new released "Up"! :)
stephypan (at) gmail
my movie is 'Atonement' with kiera knightly in.... she wears one of the most amazing green dresses ive ever seen -
The science of sleep
(or in French: La science des reves).
Michel Gondry is director and writer... man, how can it get any better?
Gael Garcia Bernal and Charlotte Gainsbourg (of recent Antichrist fame)
Absolutely excellent and dream like!
my favourite danish movie is dark horse - its really cute and quirky.
celluloidc (at)
i'm a poor just graduated student and i need some fly pants :(
I'm Julie from Belgium!
My favorite movie is 'Aanrijding in Moscou'
It's a Belgian movie but is very succesfull in many other countries and is playing now at different places in the world
you have to check it out! :p
it's about love but in a typical belgian way and full of humor and sarcasm
it really made me cry and laugh
my e-mailadres is
thanks for reading this and I hope you will check the movie out!
(sorry for my bad english! ;))
&& oohyeah, I'm in love with the jeans! :D
I would feel so lucky to get these! I have been really into the Outlander series for some time now by Diana Gabaldon. The books are long but easy reads, kind of like the Harry Potters, but for older women. Truly addicting reads.
Silly me...Forgot to put my email
i must say one of my favorite movies is called "Wristcutters: A Love Story" which tells the story of what happens after this guy commits suicide and is transported to this alternative dimension where everything is practically the same as the real world except it is duller. There he meets many cool people who also happened to commit suicide. He also happens to fall in love here. This movie never fails to make me feel extremely happy after watching it. :)
Oops, I mean, commenting. Ahahaa.
Why did I just do that? What I meant to say is, my favorite movie ever is "Life is Beautiful." Amazing, amazing, amazing.
Best movie is Wassup Rockers.
Audrey xo
my awesome sister in law told me to watch this old black and white movie called Pirate Blood and I LOVED it! You should totally watch it.
sushipie at surewest dot net
Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine.
Vincent Price forever.
Pink Floyd The Wall ~ the trippy, weird, mesmerising, mindblowing, generally amazing drawn from their famous album, The Wall. I started watching it and was pretty much in an amazed trance after the first minute. Seriously an amazing film.
Love the blog,
Favorite movie? I dont know if this counts but i have a sweet burt reynolds poster from the movie Impasse, I haven't been able to find it but it looks amazing, the catch phrase is : Kill for it, Die with it. yep!
I love the movie "Candy." so raw and poetic.
Oh I have lots of favourite movies. I think Clerks is the best. In fact, all the View Askew films are awesome.
Cool giveaway :) my email is
Oh Jesus. Hallelujah -They are out there.
I have been runing my ass off in the streets of Copenhagen to get me a pair of those.
They are freakin' awesome. Wauw.
Oh what luck if i were the lucky winner !
movie - requiem for a dream. this links the lives of several people persuing their own happiness. its just one of those trippy films you gotta see!
Harold and Maude. Wierd, bizarre and quietly lovely. just like those jeans.
and oh yeah - can be contacted at - oops!!!
"Lars and The Real Girl"--a lovable introvert with emotional baggage...this movie manages to be
both sad and very funny.
-->LOVE the Current Elliott jeans!
You should watch 'Fat Girl' (French title, 'A Ma Soeur')
Mama like those jeans.
I watched Cashback few days ago. Again. It's pretty awesome.
Oh and I forgot to put my e-mail. Sorry :/
Mmmm movie ,mmmm movie i think "Mister lonley" it's really a good movie that a lot of people haven't see
Just finished "Candy". Dark, in a lovely way.
My movie recommendation is Lilja 4-ever.
It has to be the dark and beautiful Nói albínói. Nói dreams of escaping from his remote Icelandic fjord with the girl from the filling station.
Alex Cox's Sid and Nancy is also a killer - pardon the pun.
I also love Performance with a young and cherub-esque Mick Jagger - but you've probably seen it already.
Rackk and Ruin rocks!
just in case it's
Hey lady!! my fave movie-- that's a tough one. but one of my top 3 is definitely The House of Yes.
xx amanda
read the catcher in the rye and metamorphosis- they are my favorites. I am currently reading the belle jar. twilight is also really good, but i hate all the press its getting, it was so much better before all the movies and crazy little fans. happy summer reading
I'm kind of new reader of your blog, dunno what movies you've seen or are willing to see, but my all time fave is Donnie Darko. If you haven't seen it, you should definitely check it out.
Otesànek, in English known as: Little Otik by Jan Švankmajer and Eva Švankmajerová from the Czech Republic.
It is mind BLOWING. I hope you do get the chance to find it and watch it. Enjoy!
minus the asterisk!
Missed the deadline by ONE day! Great pair of jeans... I'm so jealous of whoever won them!!
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