I couldn't help myself. I just had to do it. There was just no stopping me.
Having a little cash in my paypal account makes it really hard not to purchase way cool, leather knit, shirts when you happen upon them while browsing Etsy (a dangerous thing to do i might add)
. . . . Did you hear that ladies and gentlemen. . .an olive green,leather knit, t-shirt. Perfect for every season right? Well, at least that's how i justified this frivolous purchase.
I can't wait till you arrive on my doorstep. Thank you Ladymoonvintage! xx
I also like this Current/Elliott-esque denim jacket (HERE) that Ladymoonvintage still has up for sale
yeah, that leather shirt is siiiiick
I had a very similar denim jacket to that when I was in 5th did my sister and cousin. Who knew?
Leather shirt: A+++
Denim Jacket: D-
As a design geek I just have to correct you - the leather top is not woven, it's knitted. Big difference.
i had a knitted leather top like that around was awesome but it didn't survive.
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