Just saw this over on Refinery29 and had to repost. I can't remember the last time i ate McDonalds and this project by artist Sally Davies just reminded me why. Davies placed a fresh happy meal on her living room table and "watched what happened" over the course of . . . well, indefinitely. Here are two photos. Can you tell which one was day one. . . and which is day 137? ok, they are labeled, but if they weren't you might have to do a double take.

apart from slight shrinkage, not much difference.
$^&!)(*#&^$)$)!^)^!#^@^%$(*$(@ guhhhh....
Seriously. Wtf.
Shit. Terrifying.
jesus, the label on the fry bag looks more aged than the food
i just had volvo floor fries flashbacks. ug.
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