Looking at Streetsfn's Paris Fashion Week photos is making me even more excited for my last minute trip to Paris on Wednesday (I bought my tickets three days ago!!) If any of you have suggestions for me of places I absolutely should not miss out on while there PLEASE please let me know!! I'm going to be renting an apartment with my amazing friend Aly in Montmarte for a week. I've never been to Paris and would love to your advice!


damn Molly! take lots of pics girl! so jealous :)
There's this store in Le Marais called Noir Kennedy which I absolutely adore - leather shorts, band shirts, coffins and bloody butterflies on the wall etc. They have 3 shops but I believe you can find the addresses online.
ahh so excited for you! you are going to love it!! have fun xxxx
le marais section ( where Galliano had his incident) has the best vintage shops and a side cafe claiming to sell "the best falafals in the world"..I think its true
Cafe ruc on rue honore (where all the great shops are including colette) and added bonus all their waiters look like models
Chez le Fondue @ Montmartre--- small family restaurant where everyone who studies abroad seems to have fbook documentation of their visit here(im guilty as well), it might have something to do with the wine in baby bottles
Ooh I am going for the first time in May can't way. You should go to the catacombs and Jim Morrisons grave
angelina's bien sur! and also the gardens of the palais royal. the galleries have the cutest stores including serge lutens an excellent perfume maker.
not too far from there is dehillerin who sells cooking supplies. walking into the store feels like walking into a play. its so old fashioned!
oh and the bon marche!
just eat all the wonderful food and bread and cheese. oh i nearly forgot! go to fauchon for some macaroons :)
i am soooo jealous! i hope you have a great time and i can't wait to see photos from your trip.... and that second photo is killin me... love it!
I'm actually living in Montmartre :) Maybe I'll get the chance to see around the corner, sitting in a café in the sun :)
The weather is currently wonderfull, a bit cold but very sunny :)
What you SHOULD see or do in Paris : visiting one of the following parcs : Luxembourg or Tuileries, go to at least one museum (the Louvres is next to the Tuileries, and Angelina, the 'tea time' place as well', shop in the Marais or in Montmartre (run far away from St-Lazare and Blvd Hausmann), sit on the Sacré Coeur's green grasses wearing a pair of shades and so on... And PLEASE : you HAVE to taste the 2010 best baguette from Paris : it's rue des abesses, and the bread is AMAZING !!
Enjoy your time in Paris Molly :)
You MUST go to a marché aux puces (de Saint Ouen or de Vanves). It is the best place to find one of a kind souvenirs (clothes, jewelry, old postcards, household goods- you name it!)
Angelinas!! And of course my favorite is Rodin's sculpture garden.. too beautful! Have an awesome time darlin
saw the post on opening ceremony blog about paris travel guide. maybe that helps?
have fun, molly!
Thanks SOO much for all of your amazing suggestions! ! I can't wait to fill my Paris Moleskin with them and check em off one by one!! You guys are the best. I promise to take many beautiful pictures for you all xoxoxo
perhaps this can help: http://www.therake.co/en/guide/106/my-paris-by-bruno
have a great time!
have so much fun!!
my only advice:
shop at vintage shops MAKE SURE
people watch (most stylish people ever)
barely sleep there's too much beauty around you to see!
have fun im so jealous! i need to make a trip back!
Meh, Paris is Paris. Just remember that you're CANADIAN right, not American, Canadian. You'll probably be fine with Australian too.
I absolutely love the shot with the blue nails and cigarette! Stellar.
Ahh you're def staying in the right area! It would take me ages to copy over the best places to shop, so heres a link to my favourites http://thedreamylittlepictureshow.blogspot.com/2010/04/brief-guide-to-paris-unknown.html
best piece of advice though would be - just explore - there are hidden gems everywhere!
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